All you wanted to know about the branded round cut diamond
One of the preferred types of diamonds for its brilliant appearance is the diamond cut in round shape. When you buy a branded round cut diamond, you can be assured of buying a diamond of the best quality. The following information helps you to understand more about the round cut diamond. About this diamond The round cut diamond is the most popular type of diamond sold world over. The shape and the unique luster that this diamond emits are the reasons for its popularity. Most engagement and wedding rings use the round shaped diamond. When you buy a branded round cut diamond,you are the proud owner of a top quality diamond. This type of diamond is usually more expensive compared to other diamonds in the market. There is a reason for this. The diamond that is obtained commercially is in an octahedron shape. When broken into two equal parts it has square shape. Converting this square shape to a perfect round shape involves lot of skill. When you buy branded round cuts di...