How to Define a Perfect Cushion Cut Diamond?

The perfect cushion cut diamond has a lovely cut and sheen that makes it highly sought after. It is also referred to as the old mine cut as it combines a square cut with rounded corners. It looks like a pillow or a cushion and hence this name is given. This cut has been around for almost 200 years. Information on Cushion Cut Diamonds • Traditional perfect cut diamonds reflect light in a chunkier way when compared to the modern cuts. These perfect cushion cut diamonds had an enlarged culet which gave it a very unique look, which today is considered antique. • It was also one of the most popular diamond shapes in its initial years. • Over a period of time, certain refinements were made to cushion cut diamonds like shrinking the culet, enlarging the table and also improving the cut angles so as to get an increased brilliance. This led to increase in demand for cushion cut diamonds as customers loved to have the antique feel with the...